Now you know - A guide for smart money management
Now you know - A guide for smart money management
Định dạng: EPUB, AZW3, MOBI
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Now you know - A guide for smart money management
In our industry, we have a unique opportunity to empower people and communities. It is critical that we do that in a responsible and trustworthy way. I firmly believe that adopting this approach is the only way to ensure that people get the right access to the financial services that they need.
Home Credit has been operating in Vietnam since 2008. Today, nearly 6,000 Home Credit employees serve more than 12 million customers across the country, most of whom are not served by traditional banks. Home Credit was the very first consumer finance company in Vietnam to embed ESG principles into its business. As a result of that approach, we understand that a commitment to financial inclusion is an enormously important part of what we do every day.

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